

I have ridden bicycles for years and the relatively recent introduction of E-bikes is disappointing but not surprising. The idea of making something easy is not a good thing. Here’s my list of reasons why.

1.”You can’t bullshit your way up a hill” But with an E-bike you can.

2. Bicycling has a beauty that is inherent. E-bikes make that beauty ugly and mishapened.

3. E [asy]-bikes appeal to the lazy.

4. E-bikes, like religion, give people a false sense of accomplishment.

5. E-bikes make a simple act more complex for no good reason.

6. E-bikes (like AI) will be and are being misused. E-bikes will be used for not so useful or helpful reasons.

7. E-bikes are overly dangerous because they are most often purchased by people who do not ride regularly, have not trained themselves in any way, and are not willing to put the work into learning how to actually ride a bicycle.

8. E-bikes clog up the few non-motorized areas left with motorized vehicles.

9. E-bikes motivate people to do less.

10. They are morally questionable for environmental and progressive reasons.

11. They are a consumer-driven, profit motivated product and not much else.